DMI will effectively measure the performance of your events and maximize ROI with our family of survey and analysis offerings. Based on the ROI Methodology endorsed by major industry organizations, we help organizers validate the tangible and intangible impact of their events through the development and measurement of key objectives.
The face-to-face interaction of a successful meeting is imperative to building great relationships that advance your organization’s unique goals. Our certified meeting management professionals work to understand your vision and bring it to life, creating an experience that will enrich and delight your attendees.
DMI has handled venue selection for hundreds of conferences around the world. Use our global experience, buying power and multilingual site
selection team to find the perfect location for your next event! This service, like our others, is offered à la carte or as part of your full meeting management engagement.
Don’t go it alone. Whether it's a discrete gathering for a few key decision makers or a groundbreaking event for thousands, we can find your perfect venue and negotiate on your behalf to achieve the most favorable terms for you. We specialize in contracts and know how to protect you. Then, we remain with you beyond the completion of your event to ensure all terms were met.
Our meeting management professionals serve as “field generals” for an event. While managing and implementing conference plans, they coordinate the efforts of other subject matter experts from DMI, your team and various suppliers. They manage timelines and milestones, and are the hub for communications. They are responsible for ensuring that we deliver on all conference objectives.
Budgeting (annual and/or project) and budget management
DMI has contracted over 1,000,000 room nights for our clients. We utilize a patent pending technology to obtain the lowest possible rates for your attendees and guarantee the hotel value proposition throughout your event. We can deliver superior contract terms and eliminate your organizations room block liability.
Utilizing cloud based software not only do your attendees have complete and full time access to their housing records, but you can monitor block pick-up in real time. We monitor utilization levels and track all contracted milestones to ensure 100% compliance.
Our team of purchasing professionals will negotiate and administer all your meeting vendor contacts. We can deliver superior purchasing clout as well as superior vendor relationships. No relationship is too big or small to get any less that our dedicated attention.
The hallmark of marketing success is a thorough, fact-based marketing and/or communications plan carried out with execution excellence. DMI offers marketing and communication services that combine the talent, savvy and experience of working with a large number of organizations from a variety of industries over the years to help you achieve your objectives. Organizations are able to take advantage of our “one-stop shopping” capabilities for all marketing communication needs, including event and membership campaigns, newsletters and publications. Our staff includes marketing strategists, graphic/multi-media designers and event promoters adept in a variety of marketing tactics including direct mail, electronic and advertising promotion, as well as editorial writers.
From ready rooms, presentation preparation, dedicated housing blocks, ground transportation and more, DMI is ready to support your VIP’s. Our dedicated White Gloves Desk will coordinate all aspects of your VIP support. Nothing is left to chance. We will even make outgoing calls on your behalf to invite your VIPs’ and to coordinate all of their travel and meeting needs.
DMI’s high performance housing solutions eliminate all the aggravation and leg work associated with this labor intensive meeting activity. Our dedicated housing team uses all of today’s most successful online software offerings as well as our own in-house product. Our housing agents are dedicated to housing, not part of member services support. They handle your delegates, exhibitors and VIP’s with one goal in mind – High Performance Housing with High Performance Service.
Our turn key registration process can stand alone or integrate with your member database. DMI will create a professional looking event customized with your organization's colors, logos, images, and personalized URL. We can specify different ticket types, discount codes, and send attendees professional barcoded tickets. We can sell tickets and collect registrations directly from your organization's Website by embedding our ticket widget. Need us to manage and staff your on-site registration stations? No
problem. Need Mobile check-ins? Our apps make this a cinch. Forget about the hassles of registration and reporting with DMI.
Our Destination Analysis/Budget Analysis tools help create in depth and flexible budgets for your event. On-line reporting keeps you informed and in the driver’s seat. DMI will coordinate all financial aspects of your event; registration receipts, disbursements, credit card settlement, sponsorship and more. We can scale to your event and the large number of transactions seamlessly avoiding any burden to your internal bookkeeping systems. DMI manages these services with a full time Certified Public Accountant in accordance with AICPA standards.
Conventions and meetings logistics include travel to and from the event. In fact, over 30% of your delegates cost of attending your event is tied up in transportation. We build fully integrated travel programs for your delegates to help them manage that spend and leverage available discounts and special meeting airfares. Your organization will benefit by earning free airline tickets. Pre and Post programs for your delegates are also offered, making attendance at your event an even more attractive option.